Department of the Attorney General

To provide excellent legal services to the State of Hawaii by offering advice and counsel to its client agencies, assisting in implementing policy decisions, and aiding the core activities of its client agencies. Carrying out this mission includes (1) appearing for the State in civil and criminal cases when the State is a party; (2) investigating violations of state laws, enforcing the laws, and prosecuting those who violate the law; (3) preparing legal opinions for the Governor, Legislature, and the heads of state departments; (4) advising state officials on legal matters so that they can faithfully execute their duties and responsibilities; and (5) defending and representing state officials and employees when they are sued for actions that have taken in connection with their state position.

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State of Hawaii
attorney , AG , Attorney General , civil rights , counsel , legal , crime , Commission to Promote Uniform Legislation , child support enforcement agency , investigation , child support , Hawaii criminal justice data center , criminal , uniform legislation , lawyer , crime prvention and justice assistance
Ph: 808 586-1500
Fax: 808 586-1239
Mailing Address:
425 Queen Street
Honolulu, HI 96813

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