Department of Health

To monitor, protect and enhance the health of all people in Hawaii by providing leadership in assessment, policy development, and assurance to promote health and well-being, to preserve a clean, healthy and natural environment, and to assure basic health care for all.

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State of Hawaii
emergency , Hawaii Advisory Commission on Drug Abuse and Controlled Substances , DOH , disease , Hawaii State Emergency Response Commission , AIDS , environmental health , Hawaii Early Intervention Coordinating Council , Drug Product Selection Board , mental health , behavioral health , drug abuse , disability , Hansen's Disease , environment , Radiologic Technology Board , Board of Certification of Operating Personnel in Wastewater Treatment Plants , STD , Statewide Health Coordinating Council , hazardous , water , environmental , State Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee , substance abuse , tuberculosis , hipaa , Board on Mental Health and Substance Abuse , safe drinking water , sanitation , tobacco , Board of Certification of Public Water System Operators , communicable disease , health care , developmental disabilities , Board of Health , immunization , State Council on Mental Health , Tobacco Prevention and Control Advisory Board , alcohol abuse
Ph: 808 586-4400
Fax 808 586-4444
Mailing Address:
1250 Punchbowl St., Room 325
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

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37 requests to this public agency

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