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The Number or Riders Per Day

Request to:
Department of Transportation
Law used:
State of Hawaii UIPA
Status of this request:
Request awaits classification

Messages in this request

From << Name Not Public >>
Subject Records Request for Department of Transportation: The Number or Riders Per Day [#1103]
Date March 11, 2024, 2:36 p.m.
To Department of Transportation
Status Awaiting response

[... Show complete request text] << Name Not Public >>
  1. 12 months agoMarch 11, 2024, 2:36 p.m.: << Name Not Public >> sent a message to Department of Transportation.
  2. 12 months agoMarch 11, 2024, 2:38 p.m.: << Name Not Public >> made the request 'The Number or Riders Per Day' public.
From DOT ADMIN DOTPAO – Department of Transportation
Subject RE: [EXTERNAL] Records Request for Department of Transportation: The Number or Riders Per Day [#1103]
Date March 11, 2024, 2:42 p.m.

Ms. << Name removed >> , The State of Hawaii Department of Transportation does not operate the rail. Please send your request to the City and County of Honolulu. Regards, Shelly Shelly Kunishige Hawai‘i Department of Transportation Web: Email: <<email address>>
-----Original Message----- From: << Name removed >> << Name removed >> <<name and email address> > Sent: Monday, March 11, 2024 2:36 PM To: DOT ADMIN DOTPAO < <name and email address> > Subject: [EXTERNAL] Records Request for Department of Transportation: The Number or Riders Per Day [#1103] Aloha, Pursuant to the public records law, I would like to request the following records in electronic format sent to my email address. I would like to know how many people are riding the rail every day. This is not the on-time performance percentage that is displayed on the Skyline Ridership page of the City and County of Honolulu Website. Mahalo, << Name removed >> << Name removed >>
  1. 12 months agoMarch 11, 2024, 2:42 p.m.: Received an email from Department of Transportation.