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Public Records Request

Request to:
Solid & Hazardous Waste Branch, DOH
Law used:
State of Hawaii UIPA
Status of this request:
Request awaits classification
Summary of Request
I would request records regarding underground/aboveground storage tanks, hazardous material generation, storage, or usage, reported releases, violations, or the presence of septic systems, wells, AULs, dry cleaning machines, or any other related record, as far back as records go. My request is for the following property: 3206 Ala Ilima Street Honolulu, Hawaiii 95818 APN: 110590180000 Thank you!

Messages in this request

From Katie Scherr (Partner Engineering and Science, Inc.)
Subject Records Request for Solid & Hazardous Waste Branch, DOH: Public Records Request [#1332]
Date Jan. 9, 2025, 12:05 p.m.
To Solid & Hazardous Waste Branch, DOH
Status Awaiting response

Aloha, Pursuant to the public records law, I would like to request the following records in electronic format sent to my email address.
I would request records regarding underground/aboveground storage tanks, hazardous material generation, storage, or usage, reported releases, violations, or the presence of septic systems, wells, AULs, dry cleaning machines, or any other related record, as far back as records go. My request is for the following property: 3206 Ala Ilima Street Honolulu, Hawaiii 95818 APN: 110590180000 Thank you!
[... Show complete request text] Katie Scherr (Partner Engineering and Science, Inc.)
  1. 1 month, 3 weeks agoJan. 9, 2025, 12:05 p.m.: Katie Scherr (Partner Engineering and Science, Inc.) sent a message to Solid & Hazardous Waste Branch, DOH.
From Liana, Amy – Solid & Hazardous Waste Branch, DOH
Subject request for public records
Date Jan. 29, 2025, 12:16 p.m.

Attached are notice to requesters from our UST, HW and SW Sections for 3206 Ala Ilima Street, Honolulu, HI., APN110590180000. We do not have any records. Let us know if you have any questions.
  1. 1 month agoJan. 29, 2025, 12:16 p.m.: Received an email from Solid & Hazardous Waste Branch, DOH.