November and December AQ Take

Request to:
Department of Land & Natural Resources
Law used:
State of Hawaii UIPA
Status of this request:
Request Successful
Summary of Request
November 2017 statewide aquarium take and total number of collectors reporting December 2017 statewide aquarium take and total number of collectors reporting November 2017 Oahu aquarium take and total number of collectors reporting December 2017 Hawaii Island aquarium take and total number of collectors reporting November 2017 statewide invertebrate take and total number of collectors reporting December 2017 statewide invertebrate take and total number of collectors reporting

Messages in this request

From Rene Umberger (For the Fishes)
Subject Records Request for Department of Land & Natural Resources: November and December AQ Take [#91]
Date Jan. 18, 2018, 9:47 a.m.
To Department of Land & Natural Resources
Status Awaiting response

Aloha, Pursuant to the public records law, I would like to request the following records in electronic format sent to my email address.
November 2017 statewide aquarium take and total number of collectors reporting December 2017 statewide aquarium take and total number of collectors reporting November 2017 Oahu aquarium take and total number of collectors reporting December 2017 Hawaii Island aquarium take and total number of collectors reporting November 2017 statewide invertebrate take and total number of collectors reporting December 2017 statewide invertebrate take and total number of collectors reporting
[... Show complete request text] Rene Umberger (For the Fishes)
  1. 7 years, 1 month agoJan. 18, 2018, 9:47 a.m.: Rene Umberger (For the Fishes) sent a message to Department of Land & Natural Resources.
From DLNR CO UIPA – Department of Land & Natural Resources
Subject RE: Records Request for Department of Land & Natural Resources: November and December AQ Take [#91]
Date Jan. 23, 2018, 4:01 p.m.
Status Awaiting response

Hi Rene, In regard to this request, DAR staff informed me that they'll need quite a bit of time. They're currently tasked with several major duties like data calls just ahead of the Legislature session. So your request will likely be pushed to early February. We'll update you on that. There is also likely a charge as the search may incur quite some staff time. Hope you understand. Bin C. Li Administrative Proceedings Coordinator Department of Land & Natural Resources 1151 Punchbowl Street, Room 130 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Tel 808-587-1496, Fax 808-587-0390 <<email address>>
-----Original Message----- From: Rene Umberger <<email address>> Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 9:47 AM To: DLNR CO UIPA < <name and email address> > Subject: Records Request for Department of Land & Natural Resources: November and December AQ Take [#91] Aloha, Pursuant to the public records law, I would like to request the following records in electronic format sent to my email address. November 2017 statewide aquarium take and total number of collectors reporting December 2017 statewide aquarium take and total number of collectors reporting November 2017 Oahu aquarium take and total number of collectors reporting December 2017 Hawaii Island aquarium take and total number of collectors reporting November 2017 statewide invertebrate take and total number of collectors reporting December 2017 statewide invertebrate take and total number of collectors reporting Mahalo, Rene Umberger For the Fishes
  1. 7 years, 1 month agoJan. 23, 2018, 4:01 p.m.: Received an email from Department of Land & Natural Resources.
From Rene Umberger (For the Fishes)
Subject RE: Records Request for Department of Land & Natural Resources: November and December AQ Take [#91]
Date Jan. 23, 2018, 5:20 p.m.
To Department of Land & Natural Resources

Hi Bin, The request for the November 2017 data has been in the hopper since early December, so I'd like that right away. When I first requested it, Reginald wrote that not enough collectors had reported catch yet (it was before the Dec. 10 deadline). So I don't think that would take too much time to put together. Similarly, I'd be happy with the December 2017 statewide aquarium take and total number of collectors reporting. I might be able to cancel the other requests, based on what these show. Sincerely yours Rene Umberger
  1. 7 years, 1 month agoJan. 23, 2018, 5:20 p.m.: Rene Umberger (For the Fishes) sent a message to Department of Land & Natural Resources.
From Rene Umberger (For the Fishes)
Subject RE: Records Request for Department of Land & Natural Resources: November and December AQ Take [#91]
Date Feb. 9, 2018, 7:05 a.m.
To Department of Land & Natural Resources

Aloha, My UIPA request "November and December AQ Take" (01/18/2018) was not answered in the time defined by HAR 2-71-13. Please update me on the status of my request as soon as possible. Mahalo,
  1. 7 years, 1 month agoFeb. 9, 2018, 7:05 a.m.: Rene Umberger (For the Fishes) sent a message to Department of Land & Natural Resources.
  2. 7 years, 1 month agoFeb. 9, 2018, 7:05 a.m.: Rene Umberger (For the Fishes) made the request 'November and December AQ Take' public.
From Rene Umberger (For the Fishes)
Subject RE: Records Request for Department of Land & Natural Resources: November and December AQ Take [#91]
Date Sept. 20, 2018, 11:38 a.m.
To Department of Land & Natural Resources

Hi Bin, At your request, I'm reviewing the open UIPA requests now. This one was never completed, but I'll mark it complete, because I was able to extrapolate the info on invert numbers from the finfish numbers you provided recently. ... Sincerely yours Rene Umberger
  1. 6 years, 5 months agoSept. 20, 2018, 11:38 a.m.: Rene Umberger (For the Fishes) sent a message to Department of Land & Natural Resources.
  2. 6 years, 5 months agoSept. 20, 2018, 11:39 a.m.: Rene Umberger (For the Fishes) set status to 'Request Successful'.
  3. 6 years, 5 months agoOct. 11, 2018, 5:49 a.m.: Rene Umberger (For the Fishes) set status to 'Request Successful'.