misconduct records

Request to:
Department of Public Safety
Law used:
State of Hawaii UIPA
Status of this request:
Request asleep
Summary of Request
Please provide me with the final written decisions to discharge the following DPS' employees: - Kahinuonalani Sanborn - Gauta Va'a - Avis Lee If there is not a final written decision, please provide me with copies of the personnel files that constitute the findings of facts and conclusions of law in the case, per OIP guidance. (i.e. https://oip.hawaii.gov/whats-new/oip-...) Please provide me of an initial estimate of the number of pages that this document request would entail, as well as an estimate of any costs.

Messages in this request

From Sophie Cocke (Honolulu Star-Advertiser)
Subject Records Request for Department of Public Safety: misconduct records [#214]
Date June 17, 2019, 3:45 p.m.
To Department of Public Safety
Status Awaiting response

Aloha, Pursuant to the public records law, I would like to request the following records in electronic format sent to my email address.
Please provide me with the final written decisions to discharge the following DPS' employees: - Kahinuonalani Sanborn - Gauta Va'a - Avis Lee If there is not a final written decision, please provide me with copies of the personnel files that constitute the findings of facts and conclusions of law in the case, per OIP guidance. (i.e. https://oip.hawaii.gov/whats-new/oip-...) Please provide me of an initial estimate of the number of pages that this document request would entail, as well as an estimate of any costs.
[... Show complete request text] Sophie Cocke (Honolulu Star-Advertiser)
  1. 5 years, 8 months agoJune 17, 2019, 3:46 p.m.: Sophie Cocke (Honolulu Star-Advertiser) sent a message to Department of Public Safety.
  2. 5 years, 8 months agoJuly 4, 2019, midnight: This request became overdue
  3. 4 years, 8 months agoJuly 3, 2020, midnight: Sophie Cocke (Honolulu Star-Advertiser) made the request 'misconduct records' public.