Methodology and results for the 2020 General Election post election audit

Request to:
Office of Elections
Law used:
State of Hawaii UIPA
Status of this request:
Request Successful
Summary of Request
Pursuant to the Hawaii Uniform Information Practices Act (“UIPA”), Hawaii Revised Statutes Chapter 92F, and HRS §16-42 (3), I hereby request the following records be produced in the common electronic format as described below: 1. Results of the 2020 General Election “post-election, pre-certification audit of a random sample of not less than ten per cent of the precincts employing the electronic voting system, to verify that the electronic tallies generated by the system in those precincts equal hand tallies of the paper ballots generated by the system in those precincts”. 2. Please include the hand tally sheets and witness signature documentation 3. Written documentation describing the methodology, process, or guidelines used to randomly select precincts. If my request does not adequately describe the records to be produced, please contact me via e-mail so that I may clarify my request, and when appropriate inform me of the manner in which records are filed, retrieved or generated. Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions or suggestions that you may have. Thank you kindly for your assistance.

Messages in this request

From << Name Not Public >>
Subject Records Request for Office of Elections: Methodology and results for the 2020 General Election post election audit [#699]
Date March 19, 2022, 8:49 p.m.
To Office of Elections
Status Awaiting response

Aloha, Pursuant to the public records law, I would like to request the following records in electronic format sent to my email address.
Pursuant to the Hawaii Uniform Information Practices Act (“UIPA”), Hawaii Revised Statutes Chapter 92F, and HRS §16-42 (3), I hereby request the following records be produced in the common electronic format as described below: 1. Results of the 2020 General Election “post-election, pre-certification audit of a random sample of not less than ten per cent of the precincts employing the electronic voting system, to verify that the electronic tallies generated by the system in those precincts equal hand tallies of the paper ballots generated by the system in those precincts”. 2. Please include the hand tally sheets and witness signature documentation 3. Written documentation describing the methodology, process, or guidelines used to randomly select precincts. If my request does not adequately describe the records to be produced, please contact me via e-mail so that I may clarify my request, and when appropriate inform me of the manner in which records are filed, retrieved or generated. Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions or suggestions that you may have. Thank you kindly for your assistance.
[... Show complete request text] << Name Not Public >>
  1. 2 years, 11 months agoMarch 19, 2022, 8:49 p.m.: << Name Not Public >> sent a message to Office of Elections.
From Kataoka, Jaime N – Office of Elections
Subject RE: [EXTERNAL] Records Request for Office of Elections: Methodology and results for the 2020 General Election post election audit [#699]
Date April 4, 2022, 4:34 p.m.
Status Request resolved

Dear Ms. << Name removed >> , Please see attached Notice to Requester, Manual Audit Certification, and 2020 Counting Center Manual in response to your records request. Thank you, Jaime Kataoka Voter Services State of Hawaii, Office of Elections (808) 453-VOTE (8683)
-----Original Message----- From: << Name removed >> << Name removed >> <<name and email address> > Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2022 8:50 PM To: OE.Elections < <name and email address> > Subject: [EXTERNAL] Records Request for Office of Elections: Methodology and results for the 2020 General Election post election audit [#699] Aloha, Pursuant to the public records law, I would like to request the following records in electronic format sent to my email address. Pursuant to the Hawaii Uniform Information Practices Act (“UIPA”), Hawaii Revised Statutes Chapter 92F, and HRS §16-42 (3), I hereby request the following records be produced in the common electronic format as described below: 1. Results of the 2020 General Election “post-election, pre-certification audit of a random sample of not less than ten per cent of the precincts employing the electronic voting system, to verify that the electronic tallies generated by the system in those precincts equal hand tallies of the paper ballots generated by the system in those precincts”. 2. Please include the hand tally sheets and witness signature documentation 3. Written documentation describing the methodology, process, or guidelines used to randomly select precincts. If my request does not adequately describe the records to be produced, please contact me via e-mail so that I may clarify my request, and when appropriate inform me of the manner in which records are filed, retrieved or generated. Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions or suggestions that you may have. Thank you kindly for your assistance. IF SEEKING PUBLIC INTEREST WAIVER, PROVIDE PUBLIC INTEREST STATEMENT BELOW THIS LINE Mahalo, << Name removed >> << Name removed >>
  1. 2 years, 11 months agoApril 4, 2022, 4:34 p.m.: Received an email from Office of Elections.
  2. 2 years, 11 months agoApril 4, 2022, 4:44 p.m.: << Name Not Public >> published an attachment on request Methodology and results for the 2020 General Election post election audit.
  3. 2 years, 11 months agoApril 4, 2022, 4:44 p.m.: << Name Not Public >> published an attachment on request Methodology and results for the 2020 General Election post election audit.
  4. 2 years, 11 months agoApril 4, 2022, 4:44 p.m.: << Name Not Public >> published an attachment on request Methodology and results for the 2020 General Election post election audit.
  5. 2 years, 11 months agoApril 4, 2022, 4:46 p.m.: << Name Not Public >> set status to 'Request Successful'.