Dear Ms.
<< Name removed >> :
In response to your December 4, 2017, records request, attached please find a Notice to Requester of even date.
Thank you,
Office of the Auditor, State of Hawai‘i
Office: (808) 587-0800 / Fax: (808) 587-0830
465 S. King St., Room 500
Honolulu, HI 96813-2917…
-----Original Message-----
From: << Name removed >> << Name removed >> <<email address>>
Sent: Monday, December 4, 2017 1:05 PM
To: LAO Auditors < <name and email address> >
Subject: Records Request for Office of the Auditor: Emails [#77]
Pursuant to the public records law, I would like to request the following records in electronic format sent to my email address.
I would like a copy of emails sent between Robert Klein, attorney representing the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, and the Office of the Auditor between January 2017 and December 2017.
<< Name removed >> << Name removed >>