Debt affordability
- Request to:
- Department of Budget & Fiscal Services
- Law used:
- State of Hawaii UIPA
- Status of this request:
- Request Successful
- Summary of Request
- 1: The debt service for general obligation bonds including self-supported bonds as a percentage of the City's total Operating budget, including enterprise and special revenue funds. 2: The debt service on direct debt, excluding self-supported bonds, as a percentage of General Fund Revenues.
- Joe Kent (Grassroot Institu...
- 04/01/2021
- Department of Budget & Fisc...
- 04/09/2021
- Joe Kent (Grassroot Institu...
- 04/24/2021
Messages in this request
From | Joe Kent (Grassroot Institute of Hawaii) |
Subject | Records Request for Department of Budget & Fiscal Services: Debt affordability [#432] |
Date | April 1, 2021, 2:15 p.m. |
To | Department of Budget & Fiscal Services |
Status | Awaiting response |
Attachments |
Pursuant to the public records law, I would like to request the following records in electronic format sent to my email address.
1: The debt service for general obligation bonds including self-supported bonds as a percentage of
the City's total Operating budget, including enterprise and special revenue funds.
2: The debt service on direct debt, excluding self-supported bonds, as a percentage of General
Fund Revenues.
Joe Kent
Grassroot Institute of Hawaii
[... Show complete request text]
Joe Kent (Grassroot Institute of Hawaii)
- 3 years, 11 months agoApril 1, 2021, 2:16 p.m.: Joe Kent (Grassroot Institute of Hawaii) sent a message to Department of Budget & Fiscal Services.
From | Wong, Donnie (BFS) – Department of Budget & Fiscal Services |
Subject | RE: Records Request for Department of Budget & Fiscal Services: Debt affordability [#432] |
Date | April 9, 2021, 10:59 a.m. |
Status | Request resolved |
Attachments |
Aloha Mr. Kent -
Thank you for your email inquiry. Please see the attached Notice to Requester and responses to your questions below.
Thank you -
Budget and Fiscal Services
(808) 768-3901…
-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Kent <<email address>>
Sent: Thursday, April 1, 2021 2:16 PM
To: BFSMail < <name and email address> >
Subject: Records Request for Department of Budget & Fiscal Services: Debt affordability [#432]
CAUTION: Email received from an EXTERNAL sender. Please confirm the content is safe prior to opening attachments or links.
Pursuant to the public records law, I would like to request the following records in electronic format sent to my email address.
1: The debt service for general obligation bonds including self-supported bonds as a percentage of the City's total Operating budget, including enterprise and special revenue funds.
Response: The calculation for Fiscal Year 2021 is 13.3%
2: The debt service on direct debt, excluding self-supported bonds, as a percentage of General Fund Revenues.
Response: The calculation for Fiscal Year 2021 is 7.6%
Joe Kent
Grassroot Institute of Hawaii
- 3 years, 11 months agoApril 9, 2021, 10:59 a.m.: Received an email from Department of Budget & Fiscal Services.
- 3 years, 10 months agoApril 24, 2021, 7:39 a.m.: Joe Kent (Grassroot Institute of Hawaii) published an attachment on request Debt affordability.
- 3 years, 10 months agoApril 24, 2021, 7:39 a.m.: Joe Kent (Grassroot Institute of Hawaii) published an attachment on request Debt affordability.
- 3 years, 10 months agoApril 24, 2021, 7:39 a.m.: Joe Kent (Grassroot Institute of Hawaii) set status to 'Request Successful'.
From | Joe Kent (Grassroot Institute of Hawaii) |
Subject | RE: Records Request for Department of Budget & Fiscal Services: Debt affordability [#432] |
Date | April 24, 2021, 7:40 a.m. |
To | Department of Budget & Fiscal Services |
Dear Sir or Madam,
Thank you very much!
Sincerely yours
Joe Kent
- 3 years, 10 months agoApril 24, 2021, 7:40 a.m.: Joe Kent (Grassroot Institute of Hawaii) sent a message to Department of Budget & Fiscal Services.