CWSRF Records for Pahala Wastewater System SRF Loan #NPS0090-05 starting 12/1/18 for $12 mill.

Request to:
Department of Health
Law used:
State of Hawaii UIPA
Status of this request:
Request Successful
Summary of Request
Records for the County of Hawaii (COH) application for this (NPS0090-05) Pahala Wastewater SRF request, the EADs for this project, and the request for payment and records of payment of the loans funds to the COH to be used as matching funds for EPA Grant XP-96942401.

Messages in this request

From Sandra Demoruelle (Daniel's Ohana)
Subject Records Request for Department of Health: CWSRF Records for Pahala Wastewater System SRF Loan #NPS0090-05 starting 12/1/18 for $12 mill. [#131]
Date Sept. 17, 2018, 10:56 a.m.
To Department of Health
Status Awaiting response

Aloha, Pursuant to the public records law, I would like to request the following records in electronic format sent to my email address.
Records for the County of Hawaii (COH) application for this (NPS0090-05) Pahala Wastewater SRF request, the EADs for this project, and the request for payment and records of payment of the loans funds to the COH to be used as matching funds for EPA Grant XP-96942401.
[... Show complete request text] Sandra Demoruelle (Daniel's Ohana)
  1. 6 years, 5 months agoSept. 17, 2018, 10:56 a.m.: Sandra Demoruelle (Daniel's Ohana) sent a message to Department of Health.
From Nagato, Jonathan – Department of Health
Subject NPS0090-05 Request to Access a Government Record
Date Sept. 20, 2018, 10:09 a.m.
Status Request resolved

Ms. Demoruelle, The Department of Health Wastewater Branch (DOH-WWB) Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Program received the Request to Access a Government Record form with the following information: * Date: 9/17/2018 * To: Department of Health, <<email address>> * From: <<email address>> A copy of the Request to Access a Government Record form is attached for reference. Attached is the Application for State Revolving Fund Loan dated 6/21/2007. It is the understanding of the DOH-WWB CWSRF that the Application for State Revolving Fund Loan is being revised by the County of Hawai‘i and will update the project dates, description, and amounts. It is the understanding of the DOH-WWB CWSRF that environmental assessment documents are being worked on now. The DOH-WWB CWSRF has not received any environmental assessment documents as of today, but is required to receive and review environmental assessment document(s) prior to executing a CWSRF loan agreement. Please request environmental assessment documents from the County of Hawai‘i. The DOH-WWB CWSRF has not executed a CWSRF with the County of Hawai‘i for Project Number NPS0090-05. Therefore, there are no payment requests from the County of Hawai‘i and no loan payments to the County of Hawai‘i. The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process is triggered when a federal agency develops a proposal to take a major federal action as defined by 40 CFR 1508.18. Per 40 CFR 35.3140, a State may apply its own “NEPA-like” State Environmental Review Process (SERP) for conducting environmental reviews. The Hawai‘i SERP is a NEPA-like process. Thank you, Jon Nagato, PE State of Hawai‘i | Department of Health Wastewater Branch | Clean Water State Revolving Fund 2827 Waimano Home Rd., Rm. 207, Pearl City, HI 96782 (808) 586-4294 | <<email address>> and email address>> From: Naalehu Theatre <<name and email address> > Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 11:53 AM To: Nagato, Jonathan < <name and email address> > Subject: Fw: Records Request for Department of Health: CWSRF Records for Pahala Wastewater System SRF Loan #NPS0090-05 starting 12/1/18 for $12 mill. [#131] Please provide the information requested on your official form attached below. By the way, Dora Beck stated in her TEN notice that the CWSRF funding triggers NEPA procedures. Does CWSRF trigger NEPA review for Significant Impacts? Best, Sandra Demoruelle ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Sandra Demoruelle < <name and email address >> To: <<email address>> and email address> >" < <name and email address >> Sent: ‎Monday‎, ‎September‎ ‎17‎, ‎2018‎ ‎10‎:‎56‎:‎30‎ ‎AM‎ ‎HST Subject: Records Request for Department of Health: CWSRF Records for Pahala Wastewater System SRF Loan #NPS0090-05 starting 12/1/18 for $12 mill. [#131] Aloha, Pursuant to the public records law, I would like to request the following records in electronic format sent to my email address. Records for the County of Hawaii (COH) application for this (NPS0090-05) Pahala Wastewater SRF request, the EADs for this project, and the request for payment and records of payment of the loans funds to the COH to be used as matching funds for EPA Grant XP-96942401. Mahalo, Sandra Demoruelle Daniel's Ohana
  1. 6 years, 5 months agoSept. 20, 2018, 10:09 a.m.: Received an email from Department of Health.
  2. 6 years, 5 months agoSept. 20, 2018, 12:03 p.m.: Sandra Demoruelle (Daniel's Ohana) published an attachment on request CWSRF Records for Pahala Wastewater System SRF Loan #NPS0090-05 starting 12/1/18 for $12 mill..
  3. 6 years, 5 months agoSept. 20, 2018, 12:03 p.m.: Sandra Demoruelle (Daniel's Ohana) published an attachment on request CWSRF Records for Pahala Wastewater System SRF Loan #NPS0090-05 starting 12/1/18 for $12 mill..
  4. 6 years, 5 months agoSept. 20, 2018, 12:04 p.m.: Sandra Demoruelle (Daniel's Ohana) set status to 'Request Successful'.