Communication from Jade Butay

Request to:
Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation
Law used:
State of Hawaii UIPA
Status of this request:
Request Successful
Summary of Request
Letter from Jade Butay, Hawaii DOT, to HART regarding concerns related to interim opening October 2020. This letter was mentioned during HART's meeting January 30.

Messages in this request

From << Name Not Public >>
Subject Records Request for Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation: Communication from Jade Butay [#315]
Date Feb. 5, 2020, 6:24 p.m.
To Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation
Status Awaiting response

Aloha, Pursuant to the public records law, I would like to request the following records in electronic format sent to my email address.
Letter from Jade Butay, Hawaii DOT, to HART regarding concerns related to interim opening October 2020. This letter was mentioned during HART's meeting January 30.
[... Show complete request text] << Name Not Public >>
  1. 5 years, 1 month agoFeb. 5, 2020, 6:25 p.m.: << Name Not Public >> sent a message to Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation.
From Toguchi, Traci – Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation
Subject RE: Records Request for Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation: Communication from Jade Butay [#315]
Date Feb. 6, 2020, 9:59 a.m.
Status Request resolved

Dear Ms. << Name removed >> : Please see the attached in response to your record request. Thank you, Traci Traci K. Toguchi Information Specialist [Description: HART_LOGO_3C_2inch_300dpi] Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation City and County of Honolulu Phone: (808) 768-6275 Fax: (808) 768-5110 Email: <<email address>> and email address> > Website: NOTICE: This communication and any attachments ("this message") may contain confidential information for the sole use of the intended recipient(s). Any unauthorized use, disclosure, viewing, copying, alteration, dissemination or distribution of, or reliance on this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, or you are not an authorized recipient, please notify the sender immediately by replying to this message, delete this message and all copies from your e-mail system and destroy any printed copies.
  1. 5 years, 1 month agoFeb. 6, 2020, 9:59 a.m.: Received an email from Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation.
  2. 5 years agoFeb. 15, 2020, 12:40 p.m.: << Name Not Public >> published an attachment on request Communication from Jade Butay.
  3. 5 years agoFeb. 15, 2020, 12:49 p.m.: << Name Not Public >> set status to 'Request Successful'.