All court pleadings and opinions in DONALD S. GUZMAN V. COUNTY OF MAUI, ET AL., CIVIL NO. 21- 00202 DKW-RT
- Request to:
- Maui Department of the Corporation Counsel
- Law used:
- State of Hawaii UIPA
- Status of this request:
- Request Successful
- Summary of Request
- A copy of the docket as well as all court records (pleadings and opinions) to date in the Guzman v. County of Maui case, DONALD S. GUZMAN V. COUNTY OF MAUI, ET AL., CIVIL NO. 21-00202 DKW-RT. I am requesting only what is publicly available, so to clarify, I am not challenging any redactions that the federal court permitted in its public record.
- << Name Not Public >>
- 08/04/2022
- Maui Department of the Corp...
- 08/04/2022
- << Name Not Public >>
- 08/12/2022
- Maui Department of the Corp...
- 09/02/2022
- << Name Not Public >>
- 09/12/2022
Messages in this request
From | << Name Not Public >> |
Subject | Records Request for Maui Department of the Corporation Counsel: All court pleadings and opinions in DONALD S. GUZMAN V. COUNTY OF MAUI, ET AL., CIVIL NO. 21- 00202 DKW-RT [#786] |
Date | Aug. 4, 2022, 11:26 a.m. |
To | Maui Department of the Corporation Counsel |
Status | Awaiting response |
Attachments |
Pursuant to the public records law, I would like to request the following records in electronic format sent to my email address.
A copy of the docket as well as all court records (pleadings and opinions) to date in the Guzman v. County of Maui case, DONALD S. GUZMAN V. COUNTY OF MAUI, ET AL., CIVIL NO. 21-00202 DKW-RT. I am requesting only what is publicly available, so to clarify, I am not challenging any redactions that the federal court permitted in its public record.
<< Name removed >> << Name removed >>
[... Show complete request text]
<< Name Not Public >>
- 2 years, 6 months agoAug. 4, 2022, 11:27 a.m.: << Name Not Public >> sent a message to Maui Department of the Corporation Counsel.
From | Daniel Kunkel – Maui Department of the Corporation Counsel |
Subject | Maui Corporation Counsel Acknowledgment of Your UIPA Request (RFLS2022-1275) |
Date | Aug. 4, 2022, 4:58 p.m. |
Status | Awaiting response |
Attachments |
Dear Ms. << Name removed >> ,
In response to your request for government records to Maui Corporation
Counsel Moana Lutey pursuant to the Uniform Information Practices Act under
Hawaii Revised Statutes Chapter 92F, please find the attached Acknowledgment
of your request.
Please provide us with your email address, telephone number and mailing
address for future correspondence.
Daniel J. Kunkel
Deputy Corporation Counsel
- 2 years, 6 months agoAug. 4, 2022, 4:59 p.m.: Received an email from Maui Department of the Corporation Counsel.
- 2 years, 6 months agoAug. 12, 2022, 10:05 a.m.: << Name Not Public >> published an attachment on request All court pleadings and opinions in DONALD S. GUZMAN V. COUNTY OF MAUI, ET AL., CIVIL NO. 21- 00202 DKW-RT.
From | << Name Not Public >> |
Subject | Maui Corporation Counsel Acknowledgment of Your UIPA Request (RFLS2022-1275) [#786] |
Date | Aug. 12, 2022, 10:19 a.m. |
To | Maui Department of the Corporation Counsel |
Aloha Daniel,
Thank you for your acknowledgment. I am confused why you have checked the boxes that you did. I will address each point:
1)Agency must consult with another person to determine whether the record is exempt from disclosure under chapter 92F, HRS.
I requested court records that are available to the general public. Thus there is no need at all for Corporation Counsel to consult with anyone else about releasing records that are already publicly available.
2) Request requires extensive agency efforts to search, review, or segregate the records, or otherwise
prepare the records for inspection or copying.
My request does not require any extensive effort. Corporation Counsel can simply download the PDFs of filed court documents and send them to me, or post them online. Beyond that, the only other thing that would be required is to make a PDF of the publicly available docket.
I note that some of these documents are already available through Corporation Counsel's website:
However, many of the documents, including all of the Plaintiff's pleadings, are not available.
3) Agency requires additional time to respond to the request in order to avoid an unreasonable interference
with its other statutory duties and functions.
I object to any additional time. This is not a complicated request and does not involve any searching or need for review and redactions.
Sincerely yours
<< Name removed >> << Name removed >>
I would prefer not to prov ide my address, phone number, or email.
- 2 years, 6 months agoAug. 12, 2022, 10:19 a.m.: << Name Not Public >> sent a message to Maui Department of the Corporation Counsel.
- 2 years, 6 months agoAug. 21, 2022, midnight: This request became overdue
From | Daniel Kunkel – Maui Department of the Corporation Counsel |
Subject | Dan Kunkel re Final Notice for Your August 4, 2022 UIPA Request |
Date | Sept. 2, 2022, 2:59 p.m. |
Status | Request resolved |
Attachments |
Dear Ms. << Name removed >> << Name removed >> ,
In response to your August 4, 2022 request for government records pursuant
to the Uniform Information Practices Act under Hawaii Revised Statutes
Chapter 92F, please find the attached Notice to Requester. As you can see,
the Department of the Corporation Counsel is making the requested records
available to you by way of the Dropbox at the following internet link:
This concludes the Department of the Corporation Counsel's response to your
August 4, 2022 request.
Dan Kunkel
Deputy Corporation Counsel
- 2 years, 5 months agoSept. 2, 2022, 2:59 p.m.: Received an email from Maui Department of the Corporation Counsel.
From | << Name Not Public >> |
Subject | Dan Kunkel re Final Notice for Your August 4, 2022 UIPA Request [#786] |
Date | Sept. 12, 2022, 5:11 p.m. |
To | Maui Department of the Corporation Counsel |
Thank you very much, I appreciate the effort.
Sincerely yours
<<Nameremoved >> << Name removed >>
- 2 years, 5 months agoSept. 12, 2022, 5:12 p.m.: << Name Not Public >> sent a message to Maui Department of the Corporation Counsel.
- 2 years, 5 months agoSept. 12, 2022, 5:12 p.m.: << Name Not Public >> set status to 'Request Successful'.
- 2 years, 5 months agoSept. 12, 2022, 5:12 p.m.: << Name Not Public >> published an attachment on request All court pleadings and opinions in DONALD S. GUZMAN V. COUNTY OF MAUI, ET AL., CIVIL NO. 21- 00202 DKW-RT.